Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

wow i need sleep

wow i need sleep

random thought before i close my eyes to go to bed at 3 in the morning. it didnt get dark until almost 930pm it felt like to me it might have been 845 anywa besides the pointof factual precison sunset time. i imaged what life would be like if the earth’s crust shifte din such a wa thay ohio was in the area where alska is now. my hypothyroid already has me loosing das and a little alheimerist lol s not a wor dbut i feel lit time goes fast. two days in one since i nap once or twice during the day then it gets dark at a time it should be dark for hours already. i couldnt handle endless night or day. i wuld go truely bat shit crazy lol.

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