Quick Blurb about ECOT
So I had submitted the paperwork to enroll my oldest in ECOTs kindergarten for this year mainly to get free internet 5 days after I over knighted the application and verification documents they call me two days before the deadline and tell me that my rent receipt is insufficient. they need a copy of the lease. I live in public housing and the lease is a 46 page book. The first page is the table of contents and the part that has the terms and my signature date is kept at the office and I am required to pay 7 bucks for a copy. Yes Cleveland public housing is scrounging for money where ever they can.
During this call they actually told me that state law says that the rent receipt is unacceptable. SO UM, if that is true how in the world was he accepted to three schools with the EXACT same information? I went with ODELA anyway. We have received the computer and the summer reading program books and we are off to the races anyway. lol I wonder if ECOT did that because we had already received the computer. Although I fully intended to return the computer. I take it as a sign to stick with OHDELA Just like how I took it as a sign when the brick and mortar school closed after I was so excited to enroll him. walking distance from my house and a week or so later they called me and we started the process then. I am now just waiting for the Calvert books to arrive.
ECOT is on my watch list. OHDELA is on my Yeah list.