I promised quantity not quality.
It has been two weeks again since my last post. I need to write three posts at a time it seems to be able to keep up and just publish once a week lol not going to happen every time. Currently obsessed with bullet journaling again. I rolled my ankle and two days later my phone just unfroze. I started this post on Wednesday. I rolled my ankle Thursday. So today on Friday. I discovered acapella again, mike Tompkins on YouTube is a beast. Lots of time in my tookus. He has provided the musical accompaniment and it is all my favs.
So I have gone back to making my planner! I designed a folding travelers notebook. I had been putting it off. Homeschool got in the way. Excuses, excuses. I didn’t want to sit on my but and make the prototype. Can’t walk!!!! No more EXECUSES. My oldest wanted to make it I had gotten the last of the supplies. So hey let’s do this.