Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

#b3etciam libertarian

#b3etciam libertarian

I am getting caught up on all the presidential debates. I watch the libertarian debates to get reminded of what I really want from my government. I am all about freedom of choice. Freedom to choose whatever, not being pigeonholed at all. I want wars to stop, I don’t want a welfare state. I believe in the compassion of the people and the overall desire of people to do good in the world and not carry out evil. I want more people to home educate or get public education to get away from indoctrination and simply teach the facts. Leave religion to the parents. allow the children the right to choose. They already inherently want to follow what their parents teach them but parents have been indoctrinated to believe that they have no power and are inferior to all in authority or have more education than themselves. while a college education has become some expensive the average person trying to maintain good credit to stave off poverty can’t fathom buying a house and going to college. Home education is key or parents of public school settings be aware of what home education truly entails. Income tax is Voluntary. Taxation is theft and I can’t be scared to be put on yet another list. I am a minority and I am a woman and I am trying to be an influencer. I have been arrested and I have had my car impounded. I got it out with out paying a fee or fine. but My father died not to long after that and was exhausted. so now my family thinks it was a fluke and won’t listen to me. I bought bitcoin when it was cheap and I was going to use it to buy a house. I lost the stupid key. I hate depending on technology. I tried paper wallet but the dang thing got wet. so in that I learned the hard way to laminate paper wallet.

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