b3 etc I am
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studying the bible again i am seeing it with different, more open eyes. my work should not be OF the world but simply IN the world. i don’t want to be OF the world, i have always been set apart. i have been talking the talk but not walking the walk. i have been meandering around on the path of righteousness for lack of a better word. i mean well and now i mean to do well. it is my children that fuel this fire. i remember when i never wanted children why is that? why was i attracketed to women to which would not produce children? i tell you the world tryingto manipulate me againast my right path. i fear for my sons especially nathan i don’t care if he is attracted to men i care about his desire to father children. as i love men an women equally i value the natureal order of childbearing the way it was intended. now adoptoion should not go without its place. but we are supposed to give birth to children. i am not oppoesed to abortion when itis placed in the proper context. a mentally unstable partent of who doens’t have prpoer familial support should not bring a child in the world with which to be food for the evils that dwel within the world.
words have so many meanings i must be mindful of the words in which i choose so as to not negelct the simple minded. that is why the bible was writen the way it was writen in shuch that even a child could understand. a year is so short in that of tiimes of god. i must study and reconcile the message of the buddah and that of the story of jessu. it si difficult to discern the call to believe so deeply in jesus. why believe in jesus and not god. jesus is an image of god ok so i can see the story of jesus and a means to love god directly. jesus can become a idol. no false idols above god. so then why send jesus? why confuse the love of god with the love of jesus. is it it for those of use to see past the idoloic nature of workshiping the man jesus in stead of god? a test that we need to go through. we are supposed to test all things to find the truth of god are we not. god forgives al sins when we repent. to be o f the world opposed to simply being in the world. ok so we live in the world and partake in someiong the thinkgs of the world to solidify our faith to journey on the path to the one true god. to truely teach our spirits to folow the awy fo god to be the godly peopl walking in the light of the source of god and be the light of the world . withought the light the world woudl be dark. wiithout the light we would surely ksucome to the darkness with all the tirals of the world.
jesus is the image of god not god. we can be like jesus in all ways . we can have a direct connection to god. to hear god directly and act as god directly to create as god created but not to create a universe. we are limited. by our bodies. and the earth. we are ound to the earth. but we can bring gods kindgom to the earth by our actions not our creations. through our thoughts