If you need formula for your baby i have a 5$ gerber coupon
–ORIGINAL MSG: @lifehacker: Turn a soda bottle into a worry-free self-watering planter http://t.co/bgidoKxv
Lol time warner might get the movies before redbox and netflix but i rather pay 1 than 5 for 24hr rental
I am so happy i can walk to christies, shooters and the improv. It is $20 to get in the parkinglot
@lifehacker: It's your day off. You could make something awesome or take a break and relax. Choose your own adventure here: http://t.co/NLDWnBSg
Yeah i am about to cry with joy nathan counted to 10 three times yeah
Wow tony will be walking by 8 months at this rate
Oh my goodness tony slow down please. He just literally ate NathanMs chicken nuggets
Lol lumpin is all over the floor crawling this morning wall to wall yeah
Now tony is pulling himself up and sitting up on his own too fast too fast he needs to slow down