Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

Month: November 2019

#b3etciam Connecting the Dots

#b3etciam Connecting the Dots

#pickmyniche Alright so I am starting completely over from scratch. I went to a therapist yesterday and I sounded batcrap crazy. She called me a writer for the first time and it sounded weird. No one has ever called me that. I read an article that also called me a writer. I guess I have been writing for years. This blog is one example of my writing adventures. Starting at the age of 9 I wanted to a book about a king, but I never finished it. I had to go to summer school to learn how to learn how to comprehend what I was assigned to read. If I can’t understand what I have been reading so far how on earth can I read a book. I have a felling that was what I was yelling to myself at the age of nine. NOT! just making an excuse. The computer was in the living room and I hated sitting in the hard seat for long periods of time trying to cobble together a story. Eight pages was not a book. As I was aware of short stories, I wanted a novel. I have never been one to place reasonable attainable expectations on myself and I need to make that change right now. I started a five day class to start this blog on the road to making money. Day one. Pick your niche. ok that is a piece of cake. I talk about the same things all the time. they put a fire in my belly and make me spit fire, LOL in word form. 😛 Political Commentary: I swear people don’t know the constitution. I am very aware of the institutional and systemic racism. I am and educated minority in color and gender. I am marginalized even further because I am actually a native American mislabeled as African American. SMH Africans from Africa have an actual nationality and think it is rude to just be lumped into the arbitrary category. I say I know which nation tribes I am from but ridiculed because they are supposed to be all dead. SMH Or they all look white. OMG anyway Trump is a trigger. I told my friends and family he is a blessing and a curse. I can’t get mad at a child because I know they are a child. People waste a lot of energy getting mad at a man that is acting within his character. he is a narsassitic business man, why are you surprised he is acting that way? Ok So I am a minority and I am a republican!!. NO not Candace Owens Type of republican. I am a libertarian. I am in the middle I guess. People assume I am a democrat but the KKK are democrats and they mad minorities switch over via lynching’s. ENTER the explanation for systemic racism. yes the system is rigged against BLACK people. Laws are in place to keep them in a specific class. There are a few YouTube videos one on systemic racism and how America went from an honest we the people to a very real we the white rich people. there was another video I was going to reference but the brain fog has obscured my focus from the idea. My focus is to get some clarity on the issue as I hear things about the Hebrew Israelites and all these factions of black people when there is nothing good that can come from further divisions. First it was the dark verse light brown. now it is Native Americans verse Africans and those that are just plain American. I am very passionate about this topic as I homeschool my children and the coming elections. I have owned a business in the past and Republican’s and libertarians are all about doing for self. I am all for the democratic agenda as the system forces me to see benefits in the initiatives they put through because without them I would be homeless and childless. My foundation is true to heart republican Homeschooling and planning: Paul Ryan was a big influence in my decision to homeschool my children. I was going down the rabbit whole of finding my identity as a minority misnamed African American when I stumbled across a book the civil flag and the difference from the maritime flag indicating martial law. First thing that popped into my head why on earth didn’t I learn this in school I was an honor roll student graduated 11th in my class. I will not put my children through a system which did them such a disservice. jane Elliott and John Taylor Gatto fueled my desire to learn even more and get even more angry with the school system ok so I am black and know about racism it has gotten so deep it is an insult now. which lead me to my over all niche LIFESTYLE I am a single mother by choice after having been in an abusive relationship. I have three children by my abuser and want to have one more. if I were white would it have the same stigma since I also live in public housing? Black men systemically removed from the home. via drugs and welfare, THE STEREOTYPES THAT GO ALONG WITH IT. Think about all the assumptions that went through your head. black woman single living in public housing. How did I get into public housing.? What color is the father? why did I have three children with him? why do I want more by him? Do I live with him? I can answer these questions later. My daily life consist of making ends meet. Homeschooling my children and living the life I want within the strict parameters of being a republican while black. It took a long time for me to ask for help, but I watched a YouTube video last night in fact that said it so vividly that I can’t pull myself up by the bootstraps when I am in fact the boot. How do I live with a small budget, how will I get out of poverty, and feed my children a healthy vegetarian diet. My politics influence my decisions about healthcare I have three boys and one that is an active athlete, so I am friends with the ER staff. Before I changed my diet I was frequently in the doctors office and now that I don’t have any issues after changing my diet I want better health care that addresses diet and other holistic remedies as opposed to pharmaceutical cures. and have you listened to the side effects lists lately? The results of #pickmyniche are clear Lifestyle: And I will cover living as a crunchy black mom in the hood on my way out.