Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

Month: August 2014

Quick Blurb about ECOT

Quick Blurb about ECOT

So I had submitted the paperwork to enroll my oldest in ECOTs kindergarten for this year mainly to get free internet 5 days after I over knighted the application and verification documents they call me two days before the deadline and tell me that my rent receipt is insufficient. they need a copy of the lease. I live in public housing and the lease is a 46 page book. The first page is the table of contents and the part that has the terms and my signature date is kept at the office and I am required to pay 7 bucks for a copy. Yes Cleveland public housing is scrounging for money where ever they can.

During this call they actually told me that state law says that the rent receipt is unacceptable. SO UM, if that is true how in the world was he accepted to three schools with the EXACT same information? I went with ODELA anyway. We have received the computer and the summer reading program books and we are off to the races anyway. lol I wonder if ECOT did that because we had already received the computer. Although I fully intended to return the computer. I take it as a sign to stick with OHDELA  Just like how I took it as a sign when the brick and mortar school closed after I was so excited to enroll him. walking distance from my house and a week or so later they called me and we started the process then. I am now just waiting for the Calvert books to arrive.

ECOT is on my watch list. OHDELA is on my Yeah list.

The hood is real

The hood is real

Ok so I live in “the projects”, got  to love rent control when your income is fluctuating when you are self employed and home schooling. This weekend proved to be an eye opener since I have put my self in an anti-depression rose colored cocoon. I was attempting to clean my kitchen stove while my kids played in the front of my apartment with their friends when some random “ghetto” kids came up and chased my neighbors kids up into the building and proceeded to hit my oldest son and steal the teddy bear that they were playing with.

Being the parent that I am I proceed to hunt down these children. They walk all over the apartment complex, which is fairly large, to be taken to a large group of drunk and high adults “having a party” literally five doors down from the office. This type of activity is not allowed in the first place. Anyway, the children that I have pinned pointed as the culprits point me in the misdirection of some adults that are not their parents but feel the need to talk to me about the situation. These individuals tell me that it is none of their business, kids will be kids and they should be able to go where ever they want in “the Projects”. (the kids are between the ages of 4-8) I was not raised that way and my children will not be raised that way. My kids stay within earshot of me at all times. No way in a million years would I allow my children to go 6 blocks, the span of the apartment complex, (I walked that far I was so angry) to play. They are way too young. now 13 and up maybe but never 4-8 without at least two 13 year olds. “if  I don’t want to deal with “project” people then I shouldn’t live in the “projects”.” so sorry that my divorce forced me to move here I am tying my darnedest to move as quickly as possible.

I was so angry I had to smoke a cigarette to calm down and to avoid hitting these idiots. I have not smoked in at least 3 years. I had never wanted a cigarette more.

What a day. It was Insane!!!.

NOTHING HAPPENED 🙂 I was so exhausted I literally spent the day in bed. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors. If they didn’t exist my kids would have been beyond miserable today.

I was so mad at how i was feeling i scheduled an appointment with the holistic health practitioner that will help me get my thyroid in order. I am determined to stick to VEDA so I filmed a few short videos to UPload 😛 ok I am cheating but i am really not feeling MOTIVATED today.

I am excited about the burst of energy that i am getting after reading through my pagan books I want to use. I have provided a link to my youtube channel. I am going to add links to the books in the description.

I found a free planner and have been working to fill it in. I am taking my time waiting for the Calvert education box to arrive. I found so many useful free websites it is ridiculous. i feel bad for closing them all before getting to this post. I have them saved though and i will add them in a post tomorrow. My neighbors son is spending the night and i want to get another video in. NIght for now.



I want to home school my children and I have come to realize that I want to do it all the way through high school. I want to do unit studies because it shows connections.

I love how I can connect everything. it is late i am a bit tired i just wanted to get this thought down.

Just a tidbit. i got the ecot online school packete and i was very underwhelmed and started to second guess my decision to enroll because i really want to customize my kids curriculum then my goven’t conspiracy paranoia kicked in all thanks to thyroid issues. hormones are crazy things that can actually make you crazy I can’t wait to get them in check

Ok So today is a bad Thyroid day. The fact that Hypothyroid has such an impact on me really irritates me half to death. I had plenty of sleep but feel stuck to the bed. I got up to fix the boys breakfast but I had to have them eat chips and cereal for lunch. Luckily it is gloomy and a bit rainy outside so they already knew we were not going to the park. (crap i forgot to feed the cat)

I have been trying to vlog for VEDA. Lastnight i turned on the camera but my boys kept distracting me. By the time they fell asleep I was not really feeling it. I had lost my train of thought and started watching and hyper-researcing Home-school topics that interest me. I found a lot of good stuff. it is now I just rolled over and started typing. I am determined to keep up with my blog this month.

I also Hyper-researched hypothyroidism and natural cures and found a list of holistic health practitioners.

This was a great resource for me there is a doctor only 40 minutes away. the other doctor i was considering was Dr. Hotze, but he is in texas. I refered my cousin tohim since she just moved back from overseas.

Blog interrupted LOL my neighbour just knocked on my door. she wants a ride to the grocery store.

i want to talk about natural thyroid cures. we shall see if i can remember to get back to it.

Alright I know that I have been a bad blogger. 🙂 I Have been so busy with my two little boys growing up so fast, time really got away from me. There has been so much going on it is crazy.

 My youngest turned two in December before Christmas that was a big deal in and of itself. I have gotten heavy into bitcoin (cyrpto-currencies) in general. Fell deep down the rabbit hole of research on the topic and ended up starting an online news paper, The CryptoCoin Digest and an online bitcoin store on Bitdazzle.

A friend of my cousin sent me a large box of clothes since I realized that I had been so caught up in my children I LITERALLY FORGOT ABOUT MYSELF. Since I had been researching bitcoin, I started selling the clothes that didn’t fit for bitcoins. I used those bitcoins to do a bit of day trading. I made A lovely a amount of money. LOL enough to buy my 5 year old a bike for his birthday. I learned a lot about the crypto-currency and how to make money literally from nothing and LEGALLY.

 My health had gone down hill as I am still nursing my now 2 and a 1/2 year old and my hormones are so far out of wack my thyroid has failed and I actually have a goitter now. Pile on the stress of the fact that my doctor is an idiot; he can tell me that I have normal test results but the fact that I have literal inflammation of the actual organ is NO INDICATOR of a problem, left me floored. I was so angry, the idiot prescribed an anti-depressant of which I can’t take. WHY? Because I am breastfeeding!!!! So I know he never listens to a word I have to say while explaining anything about how I am feeling or why I am visiting. I made and appointment to see a specialist this coming Wednesday. I finally remembered. When you have HYPOTHYROIDISM your thyroid isn’t producing enough hormones or you are not converting them properly in order to have a clear efficient anything basically. 😛 I was depressed for a long time with little to no motivation at all. I almost believed I needed those stupid pills.

Then I woke up and my throat was hurting and I couldn’t speak. My thyroid and swollen to that point. I did extensive research on that topic found a specialist but was out of state. I didn’t have a car then. That was motivation to work harder to get the money to get a car. I bought a van on Father’s day. 😛 I am a single mother so why not get a gift for myself.

My oldest son turned 5 in May, that is school age, time to get serious about should I send him to a brick and mortar school or continue home schooling, what about online schools so that it is easier for me to find like minded parents because the traditional Home school co-ops are slim to none in my area. Everyone I tell in my neighborhood is so taken aback they always immediately talk about socialization. HELLO MY KID JUST SPENT THE NIGHT AT YOUR HOUSE!!!!! They socialize plenty. My son has more friends then I do. 🙂  The research into schools took another few months and now we are here. 

I have narrowed it down to OHDELA, ECOT, OHVA, and Mosaica online schools. I will be talking about them in the blogs to come. I have also found wonderful resources of free online materials and traditional home school curriculum I plan to use as well. You can never teach a child too much. 🙂 I was planning on staying off the grid and not ENROLLING my child anywhere, but upon further reflection of my abilities and skills in the arts, I came to the conclusion that I would not be able to fulfil my oldest son’s love of the arts. I am more geared towards athletics and construction type of hands on activities, not painting or building sets for theatre productions.