Oh my goodness tony slow down please. He just literally ate NathanMs chicken nuggets
Lol lumpin is all over the floor crawling this morning wall to wall yeah
Now tony is pulling himself up and sitting up on his own too fast too fast he needs to slow down
These dents need to be smoothed out lol:)
I am staeting to disagree with the saying black dont crack. Because these stretch marks sure look like cracks. If i dont call them cracks then they are dents
Lol Antony's hair is long enough to put in to two pony tails but everyone already thinks he is a girl i can't braid worth a hot damn
My little hippy and my little marine that would be funny if they switch it up on me. But Nathan can be so disciplined now he might want to switch it up later
–ORIGINAL MSG: @BaisdenLive: "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." — STOP GOSSIPING!
Yeah right @lifehacker: A surprising study shows that people are less likely to lie over SMS–So if you want the truth, send a text: http://t.co/eSSOIeVY
I hav 1/2 a mind 2put Tony's hair up in a ponytail its so long. I just refuse 2cut it but its all n his eyes lol Tony will b the hippy and Nate will b a marine