I think tony is going to hate having his hair cut. He plays with it too much as a comfort. When the time comes i will jus get him a trim 🙂
Who are the bobcats and why are the cavaliers playing against them since i have never heard of them. Lol like i am all that important or watch basketball
Yeah hale or freezing rain and out of sync traffic lights and cold air equals stiff neck what a morning.
Yeah eureka is starting next monday and the adams family is now a musica i oddly want to see it
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1st you want me to believe (double duty is new) that cat litter didn't cover up both urine and feces odor. Now that u were able to coat a grain of sand w/powder
I swear i am the only one that hears stuff like this and questions: Are you serious? how dumb do you think we are? Cat litter granuals coated in baking soda
Tomorrow i am going to attempt to make rice krispy treats. The receipe has always baffled me but nathan saw the commercial withe easter eggs and wont let it go
You know nathan has been napping for almost 3hrs and he is dry and he has no diaper on he went potty without being told before he laid down so proud