Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

Month: March 2012 make it a great day how can i when everything has turned to poo. Now for a nap cus there is nothing else i can do

Tired angry frustrated cant sleep cus my jaw hurts from clenching my teeth. Nervous and anxious come on through

Seriously anyone that falls for this deserves it. Letter in mail with canadian stamp. Open it up the date on it is todays date. Check has todays date on it

Just because i am parked in front of the welfare office doesnt mean i am desparate for a man on his way in or a man that 'trols the area for women who are

Lol 99 problems but a bish aint one and i sho wont be the bish either how do u stop and just ask for a womans nuber without 1st introducing yourself

Nursing tony in the car while daddy applys for food stamps. Why did this scuffy man pull up beside me bumpin 99 problems and ask for my #

I just dont know what to do. I pray that MIke calls me for an interview 2b an admin assistant making $500/wk & he is willing to give me advance for $750

My amazon store has 4 orders so far but i dont have the cash on hand to fill them and the money i do have i need for gas