Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

Month: December 2011

Stupid hormones getting the best of me. So happy i want to cry that is so out of my character. Nathan is happy Tony is healthy…

He finally pooped since the 27th got to the er and he finally pooped waiting for the doctor to see him and the doctor even siad he doesntr have jaundice

They are pretty expensive for a really good one u would think it wouldnt be considered cosmetic to want my organs back in place faster

U know out of all the crap they give u after birth the hospital needs to perscribe a comprestion belt for the abdomin DUH

Seriously someone stole 2k toy for tots come on ppl i know the economy is bad but stealing from ppl in the same worse boat than u

I want to buy the phone i want and put it to the provider i want. I dont want to be forced into a crap phone on a great provider thats bull