Musings of a Libertarian HomeSchooler

Progress NOT Perfection!
Don't Allow a Temporary Situation Evolve into A Permanent Designation!

Month: October 2011

As his first teacher i need to be prepare for questions about things we as adults take for granted. Topic seeds Plant apple seeds 2gro apple

As a parent of a smart 2yr old there are questions that pop in my head i know he will ask i dont have the asnswers for. That bothers me

Two year old tells mommy i got to go pee. Why was the moms response you have a diaper on what do you mean? POTTY TRAIN ME STUPID

Infuriated at what i heard on the news. Man hits woman directing a school bus into traffic i heard nothing about charges against this man

I am torn at the moment move to a new townhouse where i can only wash one load at a time or stay in an apt where i can was all at once

I think i am mean for wanting a 16 year old TV character dead because she truely deserves it. her sister deserves better. I watch too much tv & get emotional

I think i am mean for wanting a 16 year old TV character dead because she truely deserves it. her sister deserves better. I watch too much tv & get emotional

Sift and toss liners for kitty litter…. Come on if you never thought to use chicken wire on your own you need this product